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pain in my head中文是什么意思

用"pain in my head"造句"pain in my head"怎么读"pain in my head" in a sentence


  • 每每令我心痛得淌泪


  • I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing i knew was waking up in hospital .
  • No rest all night , violent pains in my head , and feaverish . june 21
  • Pain in my head . - - -
  • This cough i ' ve got is hacking , the pain in my head is wracking , i hardly need to mention the flu
  • Tell him what a dreadful state i am in , - that i am frightened out of my wits ; and have such tremblings , such flutterings all over me such spasms in my side , and pains in my head , and such beatings at heart , that i can get no rest by night nor by day
用"pain in my head"造句  
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